Saturday, January 25, 2020

Musical Structure

As students get a better understanding of the basic parameters of music, they are able to begin to create their own musical structures.  Currently, Grade 4 students are applying what they know about triads, musical question and answer, and rhythmic patterns to create short melodies.  They learned that in order for the music to sound like it is ending, it must finish on doh, which is "home."  Grade 3 students took on the challenge to do some simple improvisation.  They had their first experience in improvising musical questions and answers with a partner.  Grade 2 students learned an Inuit lullaby as part of a larger work called I Shall Wait and Wait.  Grade 1 students explored barred instruments while Kindergarten students experienced "galloping music" vs. "marching music."

Sunday, January 19, 2020

The First Snow Falls...

Snowflakes, Winter, Inuit community...they have inspired many songs.  As we learn songs inspired by these themes, students are at the same time learning new concepts.  Grade 1 students learned the first two solfège syllables:  so and mi.  They have been notating some familiar songs using them.  Grade 2 students learned how to play ostinato patterns on barred instruments.  They worked on the proper mallet grip which will enable them to produce a beautiful ringing tone.

Grade 3 students were introduced to the concept of "triad".  Using the notes from a triad, they tried making their own little tunes.  Grade 4 students continued to explore the concept of musical question and answer.  They examined elements that make a good "parallel period."

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Happy New Year!

Happy 2020!  As we step into the heart of winter, we are learning pieces inspired by this cold weather.  Kindergarten students are adding non-pitched instruments to the poem Br...cold.  Grade 1 students are learning to notate some of the familiar songs on a two-line staff while Grade 2 students explore the theme Inuit Community.  Grade 3 students are creating their own rhythmic patterns using ticka-ticka.  Grade 4 students learn about musical questions and answers.  They had their first experience improvising a musical dialogue with their partner. 

Welcome to D2L!

Welcome to D2L, an online learning platform!  These D2L shells are created to support your learning at home.  This will be a different lear...