Monday, October 14, 2019

Listeners of Music

"Music education should begin at an early age and should continue to encourage creative expression through performance, listening and composition."  This preamble taken from the Alberta music program of study sums up beautifully what I believe is important in my music program.  Students have plenty of opportunities to engage in their learning as performers, listeners and composers.

Let me share with you one example of how students become "listeners" and "evaluators" of music:
Last week, K - Grade 2 students listened to In the Hall of the Mountain King. During this directed listening activity, they focused on the change in dynamics and the phrase structures and experienced this change through physical movement. 

Grade 3 and 4 students took this a step further:  they applied what they know about dynamics to the performance of chants and songs.  They understand how the change in dynamics affect the overall expression of the piece.  During this process, they had to make musical decisions as to what would be the appropriate dynamic marking for the texts.  Through these directed listening activities, students develop a deeper sense of the meaning of music.

Welcome to D2L!

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